Feb 24, 2020 | Corporate deceases, Freedom-based/liberated companies |
Why Google’s 20% time was a perk and not a part of the freedom-of-initiative culture By BRIAN M. CARNEY and ISAAC GETZ Recent reports indicate that Google has been effectively zeroing out employees’ “20% time”—the policy of letting Googlers...
Feb 24, 2020 | Corporate deceases, Freedom-based/liberated companies, Liberating leadership |
Our Op-Ed in the British HR Magazine in June 2017 Why work/life balance needs a rethink Isaac Getz, JUNE 19, 2017 Our time is split into two boxes: ‘work’ – things we earn money for – and ‘life’ – things we do outside of work. HR takes care of...
Feb 24, 2020 | Corporate deceases, Freedom-based/liberated companies |
Three British psychologists, Hans Bosma, Steven Stansfeld and Michael Marmot, spent five years studying the stress levels of more than 10,000 British civil servants. Their findings showed that men perceiving little control over their jobs are 50% more likely to...
Feb 24, 2020 | Corporate deceases, Freedom-based/liberated companies |
Our op-ed in HR Magazine Leaders need to transform from parents to peers Isaac Getz, JANUARY 15, 2018 Consider the essence of the dominant organisational model, aka the hierarchical bureaucracy: 1) Higher-ups whose job is to instruct subordinates on how to work and...
Jan 23, 2020 | Corporate deceases, Freedom-based/liberated companies |
Instead of Stress, Worker Freedom: We Are Micromanaging Our Employees to Death by Isaac Getz SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 If President Nicolas Sarkozy wants Frenchmen to be happy, he might worry less about how many vacation days they get, and more about the crushing...