Jan 24, 2020 | Freedom-based/liberated companies, Government |
Obama’s Federal Suggestion Box by Brian M. Carney & Isaac Getz MAY 1, 2009 President Barack Obama is proposing what amounts to a giant suggestion box for government workers: “We’ll establish a process through which every government worker can...
Jan 23, 2020 | Corporate deceases, Freedom-based/liberated companies |
Instead of Stress, Worker Freedom: We Are Micromanaging Our Employees to Death by Isaac Getz SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 If President Nicolas Sarkozy wants Frenchmen to be happy, he might worry less about how many vacation days they get, and more about the crushing...
Jan 15, 2020 | Altruistic enterprises' descriptions, Caring company / Altruistic enterprise |
Despite all the benefits that capitalism has brought to society, we have reached the moment when its downsides – social and environmental – have begun to outweigh its positive effects. Attempts to eliminate the negative social effects of business started as far back...