Feb 24, 2020 | Liberating leadership |
Leaders of the Free Culture by Isaac Getz AUGUST, 2011 Truman is said to have mused about Eisenhower taking over the president’s office, issuing orders only to discover that nothing gets done in the bureaucratic swamp. But this fine politician underestimated “Ike.”...
Feb 24, 2020 | Freedom-based/liberated companies, Liberating leadership |
Bob Davids’ 30 Top Tips To Stop Being A “Smart Boss” By Isaac Getz May 6, 2012 We need smart people. Our universities are focused on producing just that. Those who come out on top are the smartest and hence succeed in business, law and politics. It...
Feb 24, 2020 | Freedom-based/liberated companies, Liberating leadership |
Imagine you are watching a boat of eight rowers training for a big race in the middle of a lake. You hear the whistle blow, and puzzled by what you’re seeing, you ask the coach: “It doesn’t seem that the boat is moving”. To what the coach replies: “It’s because I...
Feb 24, 2020 | Corporate deceases, Freedom-based/liberated companies, Liberating leadership |
Our Op-Ed in the British HR Magazine in June 2017 Why work/life balance needs a rethink Isaac Getz, JUNE 19, 2017 Our time is split into two boxes: ‘work’ – things we earn money for – and ‘life’ – things we do outside of work. HR takes care of...
Feb 14, 2020 | Freedom-based/liberated companies, Liberating leadership |
Real leaders need to lose the ego By Isaac Getz, Management Today, 13 Feb 2019 “The biggest shortage in the world is not oil or food. It’s leadership without ego.” So said Bob Davids, who has successfully led six companies in diverse industries for 40...
Feb 14, 2020 | Freedom-based/liberated companies, Liberating leadership |
We have just published on hbr.org a short article. It updates where we are in the coporate liberation and restates some principles that every manager willing to enter it must know. Give Your Team the Freedom to Do the Work They Think Matters Most Brian Carney...